
Here's to the rest of my life.

So I received this diploma in December.
I was actually done last April, but my dad finally gave me the push to make it official on my transcript.

[It was a surprise to have it show up and say "honors".. but I'm not complaining.]

Now I'm at the point of having to make real decisions of where to go with my life.

Its scary!

I think my next step will be to go back to UVU and get a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science with an Emphasis in Family Studies and Development.

Then hopefully I can do Early Intervention.

I think this will be my dream job.
Just combine what I do at school and through Rise.

Helping the individual grow but work with them in their home. On my time.

The only real difference for me will be that the individuals I would work with are ages 0-3.

That's young.

I sure hope that I can do this.

I even planned out my entire schedule only to find out that UVU would like me to reapply. And then meet with my advisor... bla bla bla. Thanks, UVU, as if I didn't have enough to do.

Also, after looking at all the classes for my major, I won't be able to work in a school next year.
Its bittersweet.

I will probably just continue on working with Rise and have night hours and weekends while I go to school like a mad woman this fall (probably 16+ credits).

If I can keep up the pace, I could be done by next December.

Only a year and a half away.

Grown up life is scary.

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